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Archive for the ‘university of cambridge’ Category

Darwin College, Cambridge

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

The College seen from the Garden:

The Hall:

The Garden in the snow (view from the Hall):

The Old Granary:

The bridge to the College’s first island on the river Cam:

I love the University of Cambridge

Thursday, June 24th, 2010

As a Fellow of Darwin College I am a member of the Regent House. This means I occasionally get voting papers from the University about important and not so important matters. Today I was asked to vote on the matter of wasting £352,000 in removing a lift from the 15th century University Combination Room. Why? To teach the Council a lesson. The Council installed the lift without consulting the members of the Regent House. Hence, by removing the lift, starting a new investigation on how to enable disabled access to the room, and then (in all likelihood) deciding to reinstall the lift, the Council is taught how expensive it will be for them to make decisions without consulting the members of the Regent House!